
This post may contain outdated information

I initially wrote this post a while ago and some of its content might be outdated.

I recently read a post on Postgres's range types and have been trying to take advantage of them in my code.

However, because some of these types aren't shared between the different SQL databases, most Object Relation Mapping like Ruby on Rails's ActiveRecord and database wrappers (e.g. Elixir's Ecto) don't support them.

Thankfully, Ecto allows us to define our custom types that can represent an unknown database type. We'll now try to implement one to represent timestamp ranges.

Let’s say we need to schedule chores between different members of a team in a spaceship. [1]

The simplest way to do this would be to store the range of our chore and who is assigned to it. With Ecto, the migration creating this table would look like this:

create table(:chores) do
  add(:user_id, references("users"), null: false)
  add(:note, :string)
  add(:range, :tsrange, null: false)

  timestamps(default: fragment("NOW()"))

We also need to make sure a user can't have multiple chores overlapping with each other. For this we'll add an exclusion constraint on our range:

# Add the btree_gist extension to allow using `gist` indexes
# with scalar types, in our case the `user_id`.
execute("CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist")

    exclude: ~s|gist (user_id with =, range with &&)|

Creating the schema

We now create our schema representing a chore in the application. Let's try to use the :tsrange as the type of our chore range:

defmodule Chore do
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "chores" do
    field(:note, :string)
    field(:range, :tsrange)

    belongs_to(:user, User)


  def changeset(chore, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:user_id, :note, :range])
    |> validate_required([:user_id, :range])

When compiling this, we have an error:

== Compilation error in file lib/chore.ex ==
** (ArgumentError) invalid or unknown type :tsrange
    for field :range

Because :tsrange is not a type known by Ecto, we will need to create our own type adopting the Ecto.Type behaviour. But first we'll create a struct that represents a timestamp range.

Representing our Range

We define our Timestamp.Range as a struct with the first and last elements of the range and with options for the inclusivity of those elements in the range.

defmodule Timestamp.Range do
  defstruct [:first, :last, opts: []]

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          first: NaiveDateTime.t(),
          last: NaiveDateTime.t(),
          opts: [
            lower_inclusive: boolean(),
            upper_inclusive: boolean()

We also define a convenience function to create a Timestamp.Range:

@default_opts [lower_inclusive: true, upper_inclusive: false]

@spec new(NaiveDateTime.t(), NaiveDateTime.t(), Keyword.t()) :: t
def new(first, last, opts \\ []) do
    opts = Keyword.merge(@default_opts, opts)

      first: first,
      last: last,
      opts: opts

We can now represent a Postgres's tsrange in Elixir.

Implementing the Ecto.Type behaviour

The Ecto.Type behaviour expects four functions to be defined:

  • type/0: The underlying type of our custom type, known by either Ecto or Postgrex
  • cast/1: A function to transform anything into our custom type.
  • load/1: A function to transform something from the database into our custom type.
  • dump/1: A function to transform our custom type into something understood by the database.

The type implementation:

def type, do: :tsrange

The cast implementation: we only allow our custom type to be cast:

def cast(%Timestamp.Range{} = range), do: {:ok, range}
def cast(_), do: :error

The load implementation receives a Postgrex.Range and transforms it to a Timestamp.Range:

def load(%Postgrex.Range{} = range) do
      lower_inclusive: range.lower_inclusive,
      upper_inclusive: range.upper_inclusive

def load(_), do: :error

And finally, the dump implementation takes a Timestamp.Range and transforms it to a Postgrex.Range:

def dump(%Timestamp.Range{} = range) do
  [lower_inclusive: lower_inclusive, upper_inclusive: upper_inclusive] = range.opts

      lower: range.first,
      upper: range.last,
      lower_inclusive: lower_inclusive,
      upper_inclusive: upper_inclusive

def dump(_), do: :error

Using our new type in the schema

Now that we have our custom Ecto type, we can use it in our schema:

schema "chores" do
  field(:note, :string)
  field(:range, Timestamp.Range)

  belongs_to(:user, User)


And we can insert new chores into the table:

iex(1)> range_start = ~N[2018-09-17 10:00:00]
iex(2)> range_end = ~N[2018-09-17 12:00:00]
iex(3)> attrs = %{user_id: 1, range: Timestamp.Range.new(range_start, range_end)}
iex(4)> Chore.changeset(%Chore{}, attrs) |> Repo.insert!
  __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "chores">,
  id: 1,
  note: nil,
  range: #Timestamp.Range<~N[2018-09-17 10:00:00], ~N[2018-09-17 12:00:00]>,
  user_id: 1
  updated_at: ~N[2018-09-17 16:30:05],
  inserted_at: ~N[2018-09-17 16:30:05],

The code examples in this post are also available on GitHub. Thanks to Bachir Çaoui for reviewing a draft version of this post.

Further reading


  1. If you know me this might be familiar. ↩︎